How can Aaranya help?

Aaranya is about healing. Healing that includes wellness packages and provides for rehabilitation through our network of experts for businesses as well as individuals.

Build a organization that values humanity

Aaranya understands the employees problems and provides solutions for their well-being with modern day therapies for work related problems.

App, Library & resources

Employees get access to our Knowledge centre. Aaranya offers engagement through its app.

The app provides One-to-one counselling sessions and more.



Years of Expertise

Aaranya has been involved with corporates and knows exactly what works. Whats works is trust.

Expert support with a dedicated team for you.

Custom Adaptive Techniques

Aaranya listens. Take a counselling session. Our experts will figure out what is best for you.

Multi-disciplinary approach after complete assessment.

Aaranya Service


Aaranya apps


Employees health, happiness and work
productivity are directly linked.

Making corporate life healthier

With our proven and strategic resources, plus engagement programs, We take the stress out of the workplace.

The numbers speak

Aaranya apps participants report a boost in general wellness and healthier habits.

Saw improvements in mental health


Decrease in sick leaves beacause of EAP


Decrease in Medical


Trusted by many.


& Services

Towards a sustainable corporate work culture

Unlock the most of the workforce potential with the following packages.

Computer Related Injuries

injury-free work habits

Family Happiness & Health

Online Counselling, Healthy Child Rearing Practices, Home visit counselling sessions, Lifestyle Advice,Diet and Nutrition, Fitness programs,teenage Counselling

and EAP

Trauma Debriefings Strees Management . Anxiety and Depression Couonselling Anger Management Grief counselling Life Stress Management .Psychological Assessments

Outdoors and Activities

Travel and Escape Nature relaxtion therapies Explore forests,mountains by Hiking, Rock Climbing, cycling

Stress Management

Expert Hair and Skin Counsultation, healing by alternative treatments, stress management

General Health Management

Management of Diabetes Cholestrol , BP,Gastrp-intestinal, Fitness Programs and Challenges Diet and Nutrition, Lifestyle Advice

Senior Professionals Package

Core Programs, Fitness Programs, Diet and Nutrition , Persobal Health, Lifestyle Advice

Women Wellness

counselling, stress management, healing by alternative therapies and education


Our Plans

For Businesses

We provide worldclass wellness programs for companies who value their employees


For Individuals

Our valuable research and expert consultations aren't limited to the industry. Tap into healing now for all.


with Aaranya

for businesses


Want to learn more?

Strategies for a healthier workforce.

Expert rehabilitation programs

Employees benefits and community programs

Making the most of your workforce potential