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It's the experience that counts.
We would be more than happy to give you a
presentation of Aaranya's programs that
you and your business need.
Get a 5 day trial at your convenience.
Aaranya is confident in what we preach. We believe in a need based model.
We never force you with problems. We identify the causes of your problems
and help you heal with our expertise.
Healing Redefined
Wellness Concepts that
involve nature have been
always around us, just got
Nature derived
Studies have linked the importance ofspending time around green
spaces which positively impacts mental wellbeing.
Corporate burnouts can be eased awayby taking breaks in the outdoors.
1. Physical health
Vitamin D: Right amount of
sunlight lowers risk of cancers,
hypertension, strengthens
immunity (kids develop a good
immune system outdoors),
provides opportunities for
fitness exercise, & better diet
2. Physiological
Stress Reduction, Improves
mood and reduces depression,
good mood helps enhance
pleasure, reduces mental fatique
3. Spiritual
Nature unwinds minds to
find a state of calm. This
sparks more creativity and
interest in the workplace.
Children and the old benefit
the most for training their
fragile minds to be one with
nature for their better future
4. Community
Its well known fact that
communities in natural
settings have less crime
than in cities. Strengthens
neighborhood ties. Improves
childrens social interactions.
about programs & therapies
The demonstration will help understand
The concept of wellness
Why employee wellness enhances productivity.
Why wellness will become a norm in the coming years.
Know how about our rehabilitation programs and processes.
Why many companies have partnered with us succcess stories